Since I am a computer programmer, some people assume that I know everything there is to know about computers and that I spend my leisure time studying over technical books. Though this was much closer to the truth a few years ago (enjoying "tinkering" with computers is what led me to a career in programming) and deep study is necessary once in a while for something new at work, I now primarily just "use" computers just like everybody else. I check my email. I read and watch the news. I upload my pictures from my camera. I make a post on my blog (once in a while). And... I watch the video of the ninja cat. I get frustrated and angry when these things don't work. I and my family were inconvenienced last week because our computer's motherboard went out. I am thankful that I was able to replace it, but I now consider such tasks chores rather than a hobby.
Truth be told, I wonder if we wouldn't be better off without them. Of course there are the obvious evils of the Internet which have ensnared many of us along the way. Those certainly make arguments against technology, but what I'm referring to is a much more subtle problem... subtle like a ninja cat.
Personal computing has evolved into an industry which promises to save us time and make our lives simpler by doing some amazing things for us. In the past couple of days I have spent time online buying Christmas presents, corresponding with friends, paying bills, studying the Bible, researching economics, and watching a video of the ninja cat... and that's probably only the tip of the iceberg. Even now as I list the things I have done, I have the tendency to think, "Wow... that's great that I got all of that done." And it is. Well... sort of.
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to God for all of the blessings He has given--and so far as we do not abuse His blessings, they remain blessings. However, how much of the time we "save" with our computers is then allocated for other, more worthwhile activities? How often do we curse His blessings? I remember a scene from the movie, Sabrina, where Harrison Ford's millionaire character is trying desperately to impress this the film's leading lady (One might say that he pursues her like a ninja cat). He takes her for a ride in his helicopter and explains that he saves 15 minutes every day by taking the helicopter. Later, he complains of not having time to spend on some leisure activity and she asks, "What happened to the 15 minutes you saved by taking the helicopter?"
Will I again use the Internet for Bible study? Certainly. Will I continue to check my email? You betcha. Will I shop online again? Yes, maybe even tonight. Will I post again? Probably in a few weeks. Will I also repeat the loss of many hours to the dozens of the other miscellaneous distractions which steal my time like a ninja cat--but were not even important enough for me to remember?
By the way, there are 48 different versions of the ninja cat. I've limited myself to these six. Maybe I'll catch the other 42 tomorrow.
Now... tell me you didn't watch all of those ninja cat (that makes seven) videos.
Disclaimer 1: My friends, this was originally intended to be a serious post, but it sneaked away from me like.... like something really sneaky! (I wish I could think of something appropriate to compare it to!)
Disclaimer 2: No, I don't really have anything against the ninja cat (only 40 to go!) in particular.
Thankful Thursday #4
Thanking God for...
31. A spotlessly clean house
32. Allowing my Momma and sister to come up for a couple of days to help
get my house spotlessly clean
14 years ago
I watched the first ninja funny! So much for serious blog posts...:-)
Bro. Ben,
There is much truth in what you said, Ninja cat and all, "seriously"!
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